Johanna Sandman
2023 About Intellectual Assets and Their Treatment in Financial Statements and National Accounts 2021 Mikä tekee kotitalousvähennyksen tyyppisestä tuesta kannattavaa? 2020 Asumisen hinta Progressio Näin voit vahvistaa mahdollisuuksiasi menestyä liiketoiminnassa The Role of License Terms re Utilisation of Public Sector Information and Its Impacts Customer Centricity Plans and Ideas: Estimating the Potential, Likelihood and Risk 2019 Mistä työllisyyden kasvun pitäisi lähteä? Onko työllisyys epämääräinen mittari, jonka todellista merkitystä muuttuvassa maailmassa on entistä vaikeampi ymmärtää yksiselitteisesti tai järkeenkäyvästi? 2018 Accumulation of Value Controversies in Tactics Asumiskustannuksista 2017 Intellectual Properties, the Future The Value of Currency vs. Agreements - The Role of Flexibility It Is Not Only Work That Ensures the Wealth The Reason for the Unemplyment Figures 2016 How Will the Change Influence the Activities Enabling or Creating Barriers The Basic Income Issue Once Again Needs versus Tasks Efficiency and Nexus to Productivity What kind of future should we expect? The act of testing markets (small businesses) 2015 Change wished Productivity now and in the future The essence of tangible property Comments on some writings; future prosperity Just an observation This may be an issue; growth, productivity and establishing a business 2014 The grounds, objectives and practices concerning handling of the situation that followed the downturn Discussion on practices and interpretations IPR and future development A request to focus on factors that promote the possibility to realize opportunities
© Johanna Sandman 2013-2023
2023 About Intellectual Assets and Their Treatment in Financial Statements and National Accounts 2021 Mikä tekee kotitalousvähennyksen tyyppisestä tuesta kannattavaa? 2020 Asumisen hinta Progressio Näin voit vahvistaa mahdollisuuksiasi menestyä liiketoiminnassa The Role of License Terms re Utilisation of Public Sector Information and Its Impacts Customer Centricity Plans and Ideas: Estimating the Potential, Likelihood and Risk 2019 Mistä työllisyyden kasvun pitäisi lähteä? Onko työllisyys epämääräinen mittari, jonka todellista merkitystä muuttuvassa maailmassa on entistä vaikeampi ymmärtää yksiselitteisesti tai järkeenkäyvästi? 2018 Accumulation of Value Controversies in Tactics Asumiskustannuksista 2017 Intellectual Properties, the Future The Value of Currency vs. Agreements - The Role of Flexibility It Is Not Only Work That Ensures the Wealth The Reason for the Unemplyment Figures 2016 How Will the Change Influence the Activities Enabling or Creating Barriers The Basic Income Issue Once Again Needs versus Tasks Efficiency and Nexus to Productivity What kind of future should we expect? The act of testing markets (small businesses) 2015 Change wished Productivity now and in the future The essence of tangible property Comments on some writings; future prosperity Just an observation This may be an issue; growth, productivity and establishing a business 2014 The grounds, objectives and practices concerning handling of the situation that followed the downturn Discussion on practices and interpretations IPR and future development A request to focus on factors that promote the possibility to realize opportunities