A request to focus on factors that promote the possibility to realize
Some aspects of the public discussion concerning future economic landscape in Finland draw my
attention. Do we remember the factors that created success in the past? Are we able to identify
the characteristics of current situation and issues that have significant effect on the future
development? Do we acknowledge our core competencies and are we able to effectively utilize
the assets we possess? Yes, I am also referring to intellectual assets. The ways to utilize these
are many.
Despite of certain extremely valuable arrangements concerning financing of entrepreneurship
and other support activities for start-ups, it seems to me that our society still carries several
factors that delay, or at least do not encourage, e.g. first phases of entrepreneurship, the
transition of an individual from the support of society to self employment, or deployment of ideas
and innovational efforts. Are those who did not yet find their place in working life bound to wait for
others to act, or could they make their self-initiated effort for better future? To start with and
without going into details: to what extent and in which context is it necessary to distinguish a
person with entrepreneur status from an employed or unemployed one? I claim that a change has
already started, and I strongly assume it would be nearly impossible to stop it. The factors behind
that change may lay e.g. in the pace of development, structural issues, uncertainty related
matters, and globalization. In other words, flexibility in skills market should increase abilities to
respond to changes in situations where the related markets are shaping.
I generally think that in most cases building productive commercial small scale activity and
networks should not need extensive programs to be successful. I like to think that one who has
e.g. expertise, skill, motivation, or an idea should be able to exploit that asset to succeed. In my
opinion, it is possible to build a framework that provides information and suggests solutions to
issues that fall out of one's capability. It is often also time that matters.
When entering any activity, we often need to involve others. The relations and circumstances can
be multifaceted and many issues may change as time lapses and situations develop. The number
dimensions increase, when we operate in international environment. I am personally interested in
services. Although by nature services are labor intensive and for that reason often do not contain
same potential for high level growth than products, certain knowledge intensive services play an
important role in innovative activity and economic development.
I make a distinction between factors that are embedded in our system, i.e. legal framework and
related or supporting programs, and those that reflect differences between different regions or
countries. I am working mostly with issues related to international trade and co-operation in
general. I intend refer to our domestic public system only in special occasions, since it is
generally out of the scope of my projects. However, for the reason that I am looking forward to
changes in certain rules initiated by public sector, I will be more than happy to share my thoughts
upon request.
In forthcoming writings, I will make an effort to explain the reasoning behind and contents of my
ongoing projects. I will most likely focus on co-operation, intellectual assets, business processes,
selected trends, and international characteristics.
I will be delighted to get any comments or questions.
lähetetty: 19. helmikuuta 2014, 0:45
Johanna Sandman, luokassa Mielipiteet
© Johanna Sandman 2013-2023