Comments on some writings; future prosperity
There are few things I would like to mention concerning the role of care services that - are largely
reliant on state subsidies (either directly or indirectly)- require personal involvement of both customer
and service provider in the delivery phase- not particularly value adding - focus mostly on domestic
market- are subject to technology development
Other related issues may include the amount of public consumption in relation to GDP, the relation of
the before mentioned to the taxation rate, the consequences of increase in public debt, and how the
society is planning to cover any increases in public consumption.
It is misleading to rely on an assumption that the above mentioned care services will be a remarkable
source of income to an increasing share of employees in future Finland. How are we planning to pay
for this extra labor force? The earlier mentioned relation of public consumption to GDP may give
indication of the need for value added and economic growth (incl. e.g. innovations, technological
development, high value-added industries, and export). The need for growth is easier to present in
monetary terms (increase in GDP). And how do these growth requirements translate to the need of
labor force; we may need to create the business first to get exact numbers. One thing is for sure; the
sustainability can only be created by constant focus on both income and cost. Technological
development may provide an opportunity to tackle the issue.
And for those who claim that Finland has educated too many engineers; I think the issue is the other
way round (the amount of intelligent equipment is increasing, though I do not think all inventions are
made yet). It is more about our capability to utilize the competence we possess.
11. lokakuuta 2015, 0:12
Johanna Sandman
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