The Reason for the Unemplyment Figures
Unemployment is persistently a topic of discussion in Finland. There have been many commentaries regarding
inappropriate behavior of officers who socialize with the unemployed ones. I recently heard about a case where the
unemployment office had prolonged the possibility of an unemployed to obtain any earnings independently with different
excuses for several years. That unemployed had moved to different geographical location and spent a lot of own money to
enable the earnings in the future in the absence of employment. At the time the unemployed made the decision to release
own assets to end the unemployment independently, the unemployment office seemed reluctant towards the idea of
entrepreneurship, but insisted that the unemployed would participate their activities (“Why would you want to start a
business, when you can be an employee?”). The interaction with the unemployment office went to the level of ridicule; false
advice, illegitimate requirements, ridiculous commands (such as: You will not buy a car!!), and meddling of any efforts to
become employed independently. Many times, a meeting in unemployment office was arranged at the time the unemployed
had scheduled an event, where it would have been possible to network and find leads for future income.
What then happened, was that the officers insisted that the unemployed would participate in an “rehabilitation activity” the
goal of which was to clean CDs (rehabilitation should, according to the law, correspond the skills of the unemployed and
there are other restrictions that should ensure that any rehabilitation is effective).
A short while ago, when the person had been working independently for a long time, the officers replied for one of the
earlier claims related to the deprivation of benefits. The response included a notion that could be interpreted as a
suggestion stop any efforts to obtain subsistence independently and to register as an unemployed again.
I do not think that the person who was deprived of the benefits sees any reason or possibility to be involved in any public
I think, that it is very clear that the public sector is a major reason for the unemployment in Finland. The only focus of
unemployed officers appears to be ensuring their own employment. I just wonder, what level of savings does the
deprivation of less than 600 euros of monthly benefits create, when the deprivation will create a claims procedure that
employs several people including lawyers and mixes all the budgets (i.e. hinders possibilities to obtain living) of the one
whose benefits were suddenly deprived. I have also heard rumors of statements from officers that include notions such as:
“You should stop hitting your head to the wall by trying to find the employment yourself and instead participate in our
programs.”. One might get a perception that the one who seems too eager to be employed will be the last to be employed.
Often the unemployed is much more educated, diligent and flexible, and has healthier lifestyle than the officer.
I might add a remark from my point of view as an entrepreneur: I do not think that obligatory voluntary work benefits
anybody. It just makes the society unproductive, creates bitterness and decreases the competitiveness of companies. I
think, we should encourage entrepreneurship and ensure that we do not rely too much on subsidized branches (or those
that rely on public money otherwise) and old industries in the long-term. And also: the research, education and
development activity is a special case: the value added should appear throughout the society and through other branches
of business.
I never really understood, what is the idea in efforts to tackle the unemployment and lack of growth with the non-
commercial, less educated and bureaucratic people in front and the skilled ones starving or involved in some kind of non-
productive activities. What is the point in making people permanently unable to work by involving them in bullying
programs? I do not think we need to cherish ways of acting that split the people to those that can and do and to those who
have income.
It is very likely that the automation will have an effect to the employment and that the future earnings will be achieved
through other than the traditional employment relationships. We need a change in the system and fast. The negative
atmosphere and bullying is grievously affecting the productivity and vitality of this society.
Johanna Sandman, Finland
12.6.2017 1:52
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